SPARKLE @ 米蘭時裝週Runway Show圓滿舉行!

SPARKLE @ 米蘭時裝週Runway Show圓滿舉行!


繼去年9月的香港時裝週CENTRESTAGE及11月的虎豹別墅兩個大型Fashion Show後,SPARKLE by KAREN CHAN再度受邀參與國際級大型時裝盛事,於2月23日的米蘭時裝周 Milan Fashion Week期間,與另外4個國際設計師品牌登上「Fashion Vibes」的時尚舞台,SPARKLE COLLECTION多個系列的精選作品將悉數登場,為全球時尚愛好者呈獻一系列中西合璧、活化傳統的摩登長衫及新派唐裝!

Following the two major fashion shows in 2022 – HK Fashion Week CENTRESTAGE in September and Haw Par Lumiere Runway Fashion Show in November last year, SPARKLE by KAREN CHAN was once again invited to participate in the major international fashion event – Milan Fashion Week FW’23! On 23rd February 2023, SPARKLE took to the stage together with 4 other international designer brands in the Milan Fashion Week - Fashion Vibes Runway Show, wowing the international fashion crowd with our avant garde east-meets-west Modern Cheongsams and Tang Jackets!

立即重溫當日盛況Relive that glorious moment:

香港士多系列 HK Store Series

SPARKLE reinvents the old HK neighborhood store gates, glass soda bottles, yo-yos, plastic bubble tubes, watermelon balls and the colorful array of snacks and toys of yesteryear into bold colorful funky patterns that warm our hearts and bring a smile to our face.

香港經典系列 HK Classic Series


SPARKLE takes Hongkongers on a stroll down memory lane by reviving classic everyday items we used to see on the streets of HK in the past century into modern funky pop-art style designs in bright neon colors, bringing back our collective memories of an era gone by!


新紅白藍系列 New Red White Blue Series


True to SPARKLE’s Hong Kong spirit, this season sees the revamp of the iconic red-white-blue “Beneath The Lion Rock” design element into new funky patterns featuring familiar HK icons of the past century.

潮牌聯乘系列 IP Collaboration Series

與Kuromi、2106 APEXPLORERS、正義紅獅、一代宗師等多個知名動漫聯乘,與SPARKLE的原創香港節慶圖案,擦出不一樣的火花。

SPARKLE crosses over with influential trendy cultural media IP and famous designers to create a collection of east-meets-west young playful urban street fashion. Fusing cheongsam and Tang jacket elements with Japanese, Korean and western street fashion cultures like Sanrio’s most popular anime character Kuromi, 2106 APEXPLORERS, World Peacekeepers, B.Duck and Grand Master Comic, this collection creates a clashing yet harmonious visual impact, and is the perfect representation of your bold and funky individuality.

囍慶金紅系列 Wedding Couture Series


The quintessential elements in the traditional red and gold Chinese wedding gowns are transformed into modern and elegant patterns that retain the prosperous and happy-ever-after blessing, but depicted in a chic and artistic way that the modern bride will find tasteful and sophisticated.


潮配黑紅系列 Black & Red Chic Series


The timeless classic color scheme of black and red come together with iconic HK elements to create this series of modern qipaos and Tang jackets that are mysterious and alluring, yet funky and playful at the same time!

SPARKLE COLLECTION的每個設計、每件作品都代表著每位香港人的「香港故事」,蘊含並記錄著不同年代的集體回憶。就如Time Capsule,當您看到它,會與您產生共鳴,以一種特殊的方法,觸動您的心。Karen透過重新演繹這些集體回憶,傳承香港的獨有文化,活化香港的獨有傳統,散發正能量,將「香港原創」帶上國際時尚舞。

Every design and piece in SPARKLE COLLECTION tells the "Hong Kong Story", refreshing the collective memories of every generation of Hongkongers. Like a time capsule, SPARKLE modern qipaos and Tang jackets resonate with you and touch your heart in a fond and special way. By revamping the priceless Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Cheongsam into funky bold and playful modern Chinese chic fashion, SPARKLE really showed the international fashion world at Milan Fashion Week FW23 what "Hong Kong original fashion" is all about!

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SPARKLE COLLECTION Nostalgic Hong Kong Series

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