This pattern depicts details from HKMoA’s priceless Chinese calligraphy “Verse in cursive script” (草書詩句) by world-revered contemporary master calligrapher Jat See-yeu (翟仕堯).
Verse in cursive script (草書詩句)
Hanging scroll, ink on paper
52.5 x 50.7 cm
Collection of Hong Kong Museum of Art
Donated by the family of Mr Jat See-yeu
A sentiment of adoration is expressed in the verse ‘Mountains have trees, and trees have branches. My heart delights in you, unbeknownst to you’. This work by Jat See-yeu shows an ingeniously structured composition with a rich array of calligraphic forms. The uneven arrangement of the characters reveals an artful quality, and the emotive cursive script further enhances the expressive power of calligraphy.
*This collection is collaborated by the Hong Kong Museum of Art and SPARKLE COLLECTION.
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