SPARKLE COLLECTION @ ShenZhen Fashion Show 2024

繼紐約時裝週New York Fashion Week後,SPARKLE COLLECTION 再次受邀參與國際時裝盛事—深圳時裝週Shen Zhen Fashion Week,將SPARKLE 2024全新系列帶到國際時尚舞台,向世界展現香港藝術、文化與時尚的獨特面!


SPARKLE COLLECTION @New York Fashion Week2023

SPARKLE By KAREN CHAN, the modern glamorous designer brand specializing in young and vibrant Chinese chic luxury fashion and proud winner of HK TOP BRAND AWARD, just strutted the New York Fashion Week AW24 at Times Square’s Sony Hall, and left the New York fashion crowd in standing ovation! The fashion crowd was in awe that SPARKLE COLLECTION – SPARKLE by KAREN CHAN could upturn the Intangible Cultural Heritage of the cheongsam, and transform the traditional Chinese cultural qipao into such avant-garde, funky and hip fashion! Sony House where the fashion show took place was bursting at the seams, all the A- list guests were there, the fashion show was a full house, the seats were long sold out, the waiting list was endless, the house was so full there was hardly room to stand! The vibe of the whole show was wild and funky, the music was superb, the fashion was bold and glamorous, it was like a happy disco party where every guest thoroughly enjoyed themselves!

SPARKLE COLLECTION @Lumiere Runway Fashion Show @Soho House 2023

SPARKLE COLLECTION於Soho House的Fashion Show圓滿舉行!是次Fashion Show為大家帶來與香港文化博物館聯合策劃、以博物館中的「風車」和「粵劇」為設計靈感的【風調雨順】系列和聯乘香港設計委員會主席(2019-2023)Ken Fung的【粵劇】系列、極盡型格的摩登派對長衫【神奇女俠】系列,「童」場更是SPARKLE COLLECTION全新Kid Collection首秀,大人小孩穿上SPARKLE COLLECTION新派華服親子裝,童聲童氣!


SPARKLE COLLECTION再次來到米蘭時裝周,為全球時尚愛好者帶來品牌2024全新系列,立即重溫現場精彩盛況!


Sparkle’s 2024 Collection is all about ART x HERITAGE x SUSTAINABILTY! From funky neon original patterns to priceless art paintings by world-revered Chinese master artists (think Qi Baishi (齊白石) and the likes), nothing is too hot to handle for Sparkle, and our qipaos and kung fu jackets have them all!

SPARKLE COLLECTION @Hong Kong Fashion InStyle Show runway 2023

SPARKLE COLLECTION及SPARKLE by KAREN CHAN於香港時裝周Hong Kong Fashion InStyle Fashion Show已經圓滿舉行!感謝各位朋友支持~立即到SPARKLE IG @the_sparkle collection或小紅書the_sparkle_collection重溫精彩盛況!

SPARKLE COLLECTION @Milan Runway Show runway 2023

SPARKLE COLLECTION及SPARKLE by KAREN CHAN於上海時裝周Shanghai Chic的Fashion Show已經圓滿舉行!感謝各位朋友支持~立即到SPARKLE IG @the_sparkle collection或小紅書the_sparkle_collection重溫精彩盛況!

SPARKLE COLLECTION @Milan Runway Show runway 2023

繼去年9月的香港時裝週CENTRESTAGE及11月的虎豹別墅兩個大型Fashion Show後,SPARKLE by KAREN CHAN再度受邀參與國際級大型時裝盛事,於2月23日的米蘭時裝周 Milan Fashion Week期間,與另外4個國際設計師品牌登上「Fashion Vibes」的時尚舞台,SPARKLE COLLECTION多個系列的精選作品將悉數登場,為全球時尚愛好者呈獻一系列中西合璧、活化傳統的摩登長衫及新派唐裝!

SPARKLE COLLECTION Showcase@Mandarin Oriental 2022

感謝各位對SPARKLE嘅支持~立即重溫當日精華片段!如果錯過咗我哋喺香港文華東方酒店嘅XMAS SALE,歡迎親臨銅鑼灣Fashion Walk嘅SPARKLE Concept Shop,揀份至Sparkle聖誕禮物送俾屋企人同朋友! 地址:銅鑼灣京士頓街9號Fashion Walk 1樓

SPARKLE COLLECTION Fashion Show@Haw Par Mansion 2022

On November 26, Sparkle Collection presented its collection at the Haw Par Lumiere Runway Fashion Show. The occasion took place at the Class 1 heritage site Haw Par Mansion where the LA-Hollywood-based fashion production house, Lumiere Runway, hosted one of the last red-carpet events of the year.


The brand new "Hong Kong Nostalgia" series making their debut at CENTRESTAGE 2022! NEXT IN CHEONGSAM were also introduced onto the big stage. Let's re-visit the key moments of the day!


SPARKLE COLLECTION Bespoke Showcase @ The Murray Hotel 2022

SPARKLE於6月22至24日在The Murray Hotel舉辦Bespoke Showcase,為您呈獻SPARKLE全新登場的摩登長衫、新派唐裝、牛仔長衫以及一系列時尚配飾,讓您親身體驗傳統中華文化經典復刻!即睇現場盛況!


The brand new "Denim Collection" and "Neon City" series making their debut at CENTRESTAGE 2021! Winners of the NEXT IN CHEONGSAM were also introduced onto the big stage. Let's re-visit the key moments of the day!

Hotel Alexandra Wedding Fair 2021

Watch Your Eyes SPARKLE With Our Wedding Gowns!!
An exclusive Wedding Fair was held at Hotel Alexandra. The main attraction at the Hotel Alexandra Wedding Fair - gorgeous wedding gowns won oohs and ahhs from all the brides & grooms-to-be, for no one expected that they could be so stylishly modern!

 Bridal Couture Trunk Show @ K11 Artus Hotel 2021

Let us dress your dreams! 
SPARKLE COLLECTION works only with the finest tailors, transforming our magical designs into exquisite couture fashion with East-meets-West cultural and artistic elements. We make breathtaking wedding dresses for fashion forward brides like you.


雅致古韻的 SPARKLE COLLECTION 賀年摩登唐裝及長衫系列現已登陸灣仔中藝,期待與你見面!雅致古韻的 SPARKLE COLLECTION 賀年摩登唐裝及長衫系列與您共渡充滿喜慶的農曆新年!

LMO Designer Showcase 2020

Our collection is available at the Landmark Mandarin Oriental! 
You are cordially invited to visit our booth on LMO Designer Show (19-21 Nov) with 14 other local fashion, watch and jewellery designers.